Every Red Pin in our map is a meal that has been offered.
Every Blue Pin is a Free My Meal private Facebook group. (You may have to copy and paste the link into the browser).
We enter each pin manually when 'Cooks' offer a meal via our form or via the private Facebook groups.
Huge thanks to..
Amelle Berrabah
Breakfast Bev
BBC Radio Surrey
Kathy Burke
Antony Cotton
Dany Cotton
Paul David Follows
Victoria Derbyshire
Steve Edge
Greatest Hits Radio
Angela Griffin
Peter Gordon
David Hunter
ITV London News
Kirsten Joy
Lorraine Kelly
Nigella Lawson
Kym Marsh
Anne Milton
Newham News
Tamzin Outhwaite
Rachel Riley
Jodie Steele
Lord Alan Sugar
Hugh Terry
Harriet Thorpe
Louis Tomlinson
Carol Vorderman
Paul Wickens
Radio Woking
Strictly Come Dancing Girls
..who in our early days supported our cause.